Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Case Study Example Underlying pathology and admission to ED Mrs. S was admitted to the hospital post fall, from bed to floor, complaining of severe pain on her left leg. She got unable to stand or bend due to her left leg. From her past history, Mrs. S became placed on a five leads cardiac monitor and her blood samples got taken. Her chest, pelvis and left hip x-ray got organised. The results obtained indicated her chest x-ray as clear, but with complete dislocation of the femoral prosthesis from the acetabular cup. Multiple dislodge metallic wiring also got noted. She then got diagnosed as having a dislocated left prosthetic hip which was reduced by gentle traction in ED. Goals of treatment The goals of treating Mrs S dislocated left prosthetic hip got set as; relieving her from pain, help her hip joint work better, and improving her walking and other movements (Kneale & Davis, 2005). Like other patients who suffer from hip dislocation, Mrs S undergoes groin and hip pain. Her pain emanates from her co mplete dislocation of her femoral prostheses from the acetabular cup. The treatment intends to reduce and control the pain. It is vital that Mrs S got provided with pain medication. Once this goal becomes achieved, the patient can undergo the rest of the medication process in a relaxed state. Another aim of her treatment was to get Mrs S left prosthetic hip to work better. Through gentle traction, Mrs S left hip prostheses should get back to its anatomical position in the acetabular. Once this repositioning gets achieved, Mrs S hip would get back to perform its range of muscular movement operations. The treatment focuses on stretching and strengthening the muscles that surround the hip joint. This allows the hip to gain back its strength and motion. When repositioning of the dislocated left hip prosthesis gets achieved, Mrs S should get to improve her walking and other movements. The goal of the treatment is to allow Mrs S to participate in activities such as walking. Increasing the patient’s mobility will allow her to live a more fulfilling life. The aforementioned treatment goals for Mrs S got achieved through providence of pain medication and gentle traction (Kneale & Davis, 2005). After evaluation of her pain, Mrs S got administered with sufficient analgesia. While at the ED, the patient got administered with intravenous morphine to relieve her off her pain. To improve her mobility and relocate her dislocated prosthesis, gentle traction of the leg with mild sedation helped to achieve the goals (Valle, 2010). Role of technology The first technology employed in the treatment of Mrs S was the 5 lead cardiac monitor. The cardiac monitor got used as part of the patient’s physical examination tests (Marx et al, 2010). This monitor got used to test and check for problems with the electrical activity of the patient’s heart. This monitor translates the hearts electrical activity into waves on a paper. The 5 lead cardiac monitor got used in the treatment of the patient to check if her heart’s electrical activity was okay. The monitor helps to indicate whether the electrical impulse within the heart gets conducted normally. The use of X ray technology on Mrs S’s chest, pelvis and left hip assists to provide the internal structure of these parts of the

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